Historical Place

23 June

Fun Times for Family Time

2022-06-23T15:26:01-04:00June 23rd, 2022|Blog, Uncategorized|

New Bern has so much to see and do for all ages. Whether you want to take in some salt air, learn more about history or increase the laughter ratio, it is a done deal close by! Here are three recommendations of activities over the course of the weekend of July 15-17 for the entire family to enjoy. Family Time #1 - Friday Fort Macon State Park is a short drive from New Bern. This time together requires a car ride for 36 miles; perhaps you play “I spy” on the way! The journey takes you to Fort

16 March

Relive the Past

2022-04-07T13:40:16-04:00March 16th, 2022|Blog, Uncategorized|

New Bern is rich with history, having been founded in 1710 and serving as the state’s first capital. In April, we have the opportunity to relive some of New Bern’s past while appreciating what those before us experienced. Here are three upcoming events to enjoy, no matter what your age. Relive the Past #1 – Tour Historical Homes You are in for a treat on April 8 and 9, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The 2022 Heritage Homes Tour gains you access into historical homes in the downtown area, ranging from 19th century to renovated residences. Each home represents the

27 October

A Love Letter to New Bern

2021-10-27T15:48:05-04:00October 27th, 2021|Blog, Uncategorized|

To those of you who have read my posts over the last few years, it is obvious I really, really like New Bern. I just completed the longest trip there (a total of eight days), and I can now go on the record that I am having a downright love affair with this wonderful town. The reasons are too many to include in one post, so get ready to read all about my top 12 in this and two future posts. New Bern's historic downtown is the epitome of Main Street, U.S.A. Love #1 – The Downtown You

25 August

Three Sweet Spots

2021-08-25T16:42:53-04:00August 25th, 2021|Blog, Uncategorized|

On my most recent visit to New Bern, I had a free afternoon, which offered the perfect opportunity to explore the historic downtown. Here are three sweet spots along my route. Inside this door awaits yumminess! Sweet Spot #1 - Bear City Fudge Company My first sweet spot stop was to fuel up for my afternoon of discovery. I headed over to Bear City Fudge Company, my go-to source for fudge, ice cream and all kinds of treats. I left with a few slabs of deliciousness, perhaps overindulging a bit. The dark-chocolate-caramel-sea-salt fudge is quite simply, pure happiness.

20 June

Everything Really Does Come Together Here – Part Three

2020-06-20T17:01:52-04:00June 20th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

In the last two blog posts, I have spotlighted how New Bern has adapted during coronavirus. From the Craven County schools to our favorite restaurants to helping out charitable organizations, New Bern residents truly come together. Here are three “normal for now” activities to enjoy: The Grass is Green Tryon Palace's gardens are a must-see anytime you visit New Bern. Every season brings a different collection of blooms. While the Governor’s Palace remains closed, the Tryon Palace Gardens are open and seem even more majestic than before. I had previously heard the gardens were the plan of a

25 March

Road Trip to Raleigh – Part Three: Making History

2020-03-25T17:09:31-04:00March 25th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

  I had just a few hours left in Raleigh, and I had a couple of stops left on my agenda. Having spent the morning touring the Capitol Building and the Museum of Natural Sciences, I had worked up quite an appetite. Just Add Gravy Oh my gosh! How can such a simple dish taste so decadent? A New Bern friend provided a top recommendation for lunch, a restaurant named Gravy. Was this to be a homestyle cooking café? Once I came upon the restaurant, I realized gravy referred to homemade pasta sauce. Gravy is everything you desire in

14 January

A Trip Forward Back in Time

2019-01-14T15:33:39-05:00January 14th, 2019|Blog, Uncategorized|

In all my travels when I choose to venture outside New Bern, one place I had yet to visit was Kinston. With the new year comes new places to see, so I headed west on U.S. Highway 70 just 35 miles down the road. The drive to Kinston is an easy one, and one that I am glad I did. Who would have thought a city with a population of only 21,000 people could be filled with such expansive history? Fire! Caswell #1 Fire Station Museum features a pumper from 1922. First up was the Caswell #1 Fire Station

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