Persimmons Restaurant

24 January

My Fun(ny) Valentine

2022-01-24T17:41:18-05:00January 24th, 2022|Blog, Uncategorized|

With 2022 now in full swing, we are well on our way to the next major holiday event: Valentine’s Day. For those blissfully in love, it is another opportunity to celebrate. For those who are unattached, it can be a reminder of being just that--single. Regardless of your relationship status, here are three ways to enjoy the holiday with lots of heart emojis: Valentine Stop #1 – "Bearly" There Bearon de Graffenreid was the first bear I encountered in New Bern. Thank goodness! If you want to fall more in love with New Bern, simply walk around to

23 December

A Love Letter to New Bern, Part Three

2021-12-29T13:17:34-05:00December 23rd, 2021|Blog, Uncategorized|

Over the past two months, I have listed eight examples of why I adore New Bern. For this month, I list the final four of my Top-12 List. New Bern's City Hall serves as the iconic landmark of downtown. #9 – City Hall New Bern’s charm is perfectly personified by the city’s meeting place. I may be biased, but I think New Bern’s City Hall is a superb example of how other cities' buildings should be created and constructed. From the amazing architecture (purportedly Romanesque Revival) to the four-faced clock tower, City Hall is the number-one landmark in

23 April

Everything Really Does Come Together Here

2020-04-23T14:04:15-04:00April 23rd, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

While I typically write about all the really cool things to do in New Bern and surrounding places, it seems appropriate this month with the Coronavirus pandemic to write about the really cool residents of our town. The people of this fine small city always seem to meet, actually exceed, the challenge. Our Schools During this remote learning phase, it's not always going to be smiling faces. Everyone deserves a little slack these days! While our parents had to learn “new math,” we have all had to adapt to a new way of learning. Teachers, administrators, staff, parents and

12 October

A Tale of Two Pounds (in One City)

2017-12-20T13:23:18-05:00October 12th, 2017|Blog, Uncategorized|

I have visited New Bern a few times now, and I’m a bit embarrassed to admit, each time I leave with some extra baggage. As in a couple of extra pounds! I refuse to take the blame. The restaurant options are too enticing to ignore. The Chelsea is located on Middle Street in New Bern's historic downtown. On my first visit, I met some friends, including Weyerhaeuser's Kellie Hawkins, at The Chelsea. One word to describe the meal—indescribable! I ordered the filet mignon, prepared medium rare (the only way I think a filet should be prepared), and I promised myself

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