Croatan National Forest

20 July

Take a Hike

2022-07-20T14:53:21-04:00July 20th, 2022|Blog, Uncategorized|

I recently had a free Saturday morning, and I thought a fantastic way to be productive over the weekend was a nice, long hike in 90-degree weather. Joking of course about the heat, I wanted to take in some fresh air and some new scenery. Less than 20 miles down the road from New Bern, we have an amazing place to take a hike and more. Learn Something New Croatan (pronounced crow-ah-ten) National Forest spans nearly 160,000 acres. Located in Havelock, the forest is the only coastal one along the Eastern Seaboard. I learned the name comes from the Indian

3 April

Step Outside the Comfort Zone

2018-04-03T22:53:25-04:00April 3rd, 2018|Blog|

On one of my recent trips to New Bern, I decided to be bold and step outside my comfort zone. Meaning, I literally stepped outside of New Bern. This is the trail I hiked--Island Creek. I was a bit disappointed when I found out it was considered easy! When I inquired as to a nice place to hike and soak in the sights, the hotel clerk kindly suggested Croatan National Forest. How amazed I was to see that just a few miles south, a whole other world existed. While New Bern has its amazing restaurants, beautiful riverfront and historical

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