As you have read many times here before, I love just about anything and everything New Bern. One organization I am particularly fond of is the Craven Arts Council & Gallery. The mission is “to create an environment where the arts thrive, bring joy and enrich the cultural experience in our community.” But it involves so much more than art (yoga, anyone?).
First, There’s the Gallery
Housed in a former bank building (hence the location reference of Bank of the Arts), Craven Arts Council & Gallery showcases amazing art pieces and collections. Known for its focus on countywide cultural activities, the gallery works with a variety of organizations and businesses, along with county schools and art groups. On my recent visit to New Bern, I saw the “Mum’s the Word” entries to celebrate Mumfest (MumFeast this year). The winning entry will be used for the 2021 banners.
Second, the ArtWalk
One of my all-time town favorites is ArtWalk, held on the second Friday of the month (lucky Friday the 13th for the next one), 5-8 p.m. The Arts Council sponsors the event, spotlighting the wonderful galleries and shops of Downtown New Bern. I love having an early dinner, then walking around with a cup of hot cocoa from Cow Café or a sharable slab of chocolate from Bear City Fudge Company. It makes for a wonderful, exciting evening of sights to see and sites to visit!
And Then There’s Yoga
You are reading this right. The gallery is taken over on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings for Hatha Yoga. Gallery Director Dara is also a trained teacher of yoga, and she is very respectful of all experience levels. What more could you ask for than to have beautiful art all around you? You have likely never experienced such a relaxing yoga class as this one.
We are so fortunate to have outstanding organizations in our town such as Craven Arts Council & Gallery. Life truly is an indication that art is an important part of New Bern!