While Tryon Palace has special activities throughout the year, March is a beautiful time to enjoy the palace and gardens. The weather is cool, the days are sunny and the flowers are blooming. Here are three special events to “march” to this month.
The Other Set of Stairs
When you think of the residents of Tryon Palace in historical times, you likely think of Governors and their families who called the building home. But that is only one side of the story. Every Thursday in March at 10:30 a.m., you can tour the palace, stables and kitchen to learn about the other stairs. To keep the estate running, there was a multitude of staff who cooked the food, cared for the horses, emptied the chamber pots (yikes) and anything else to make a life of luxury possible. “Life on the Lesser Stairs” sheds light on the individuals who also called the palace home, but whose lives were anything but luxurious. Space is limited; get more details here.

The gardens of Tryon Palace are simply majestic.
A Garden in Bloom
For the palace’s garden lecture series on March 12, Jennifer Knight, community gardener and owner of Knightscapes Enterprises, and Hadley Cheris, Tryon Palace Gardens and Greenhouse Manager, cohost “Heirloom Vegetables for Eastern North Carolina.” The lecture will focus on heirloom vegetables and edible plants best adapted to face the weather challenges of Eastern North Carolina. You will also get a sneak peek of the plants available at the Spring Plant Sale. The lecture begins at the North Carolina History Center at 10:30 a.m.
Feast for Your Eyes
Be ready to roll up your sleeves on Saturday, March 26. That is the date for “Winterfeast: Spring Edition,” a new twist to Tryon Palace’s traditional event held annually in January. Taking place on the South Lawn, the event is sure to please, with a feast of oysters, shrimp and grits, jambalaya, chowder, pig roast and sides. And, there will be live music by North Carolina’s Molasses Creek to enjoy during your feasting. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. Get tickets here.
March is a wonderful time to enjoy the sights and sounds of Tryon Palace and Gardens. March on over there!