New Bern Bears

24 January

My Fun(ny) Valentine

2022-01-24T17:41:18-05:00January 24th, 2022|Blog, Uncategorized|

With 2022 now in full swing, we are well on our way to the next major holiday event: Valentine’s Day. For those blissfully in love, it is another opportunity to celebrate. For those who are unattached, it can be a reminder of being just that--single. Regardless of your relationship status, here are three ways to enjoy the holiday with lots of heart emojis: Valentine Stop #1 – "Bearly" There Bearon de Graffenreid was the first bear I encountered in New Bern. Thank goodness! If you want to fall more in love with New Bern, simply walk around to

11 December

Ho, Ho, Home for the Holidays

2018-12-11T14:54:58-05:00December 11th, 2018|Blog, Uncategorized|

  Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow in New Bern at Bear Plaza! The holiday season is in full force, and there is no place I would rather be than New Bern. While there is a host of activities and events throughout the last week of December, two stick out for me. Hop on Board the Polar Express! On Sunday, December 23, I made plans for the inner kid in me. I will be joining friends on the Polar Express for an hour of caroling and bright lights through downtown on the New Bern Trolley. There

6 November

Gobble Up These Thanksgiving Activities

2018-11-06T22:55:52-05:00November 6th, 2018|Blog, Uncategorized|

No worries--you won't look like a turkey at the Twin Rivers YMCA Turkey Trot! The holiday season is just around the corner, and a great place to celebrate Thanksgiving weekend is in New Bern. I love this time of year in New Bern. The entire town magically lights up into a winter wonderland. The weather brings clear, sunny days and crisp, chilly nights (a good reason to snuggle up with loved ones). The perfect way to start the impending 3,000-calorie Thanksgiving Day is to participate in the 11th Annual Twin Rivers YMCA Turkey Trot. The fun begins Thursday at

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