The new year seems to be the perfect time to think about what we love about New Bern. Here are three of my favorite things that offer the best of our spectacular hometown.

Favorite Thing #1 – Downtown

Middle Street in New Bern’s Downtown is Picture-Perfect.

Streetscapes and storefronts that resemble a Hallmark town? In our downtown, you will feel like someone from the big city coming back to his/her hometown without the hassle of being cast in the latest movie. Quaint cafes, art galleries, locally owned shops and sweet (store) sensations await you here. Be sure to check out Baker’s Kitchen, Bear City Fudge, Next Chapter Books and Art, Cypress Hall, Mitchell Hardware and so many more wonderful spaces and places to explore.

Favorite Thing #2 – Town Bears

North Carolina is known for its bears (the real kind), yet New Bern is most known for its friendly bears (the plaster kind). Over 70 bears are out of hibernation around the area, each themed to compliment the bear’s sponsor. From “Greenzly” at Union Point Park to “Flag Bearer” at City Hall to one of the newest bears, “Welcome Home Bear” at Comet West New Bern Apartments, these creatures are fun to hunt down. For a complete list and map of locations, you can pick up one in person at the Cub House Visitor Center or click here.

Favorite Thing #3 – Town Events

You may first think of New Bern as a friendly, lovely and charming town, all of which are true. However, our town’s true colors beautifully show during the plethora of events we enjoy throughout the year. An array of offerings, including Plein Air Art Festival, Footloose on the Neuse Summer Concert Series, MumFest and Beary Merry Christmas are just some of our signature annual events. Add in the monthly ArtWalk, July Fourth Celebration and Halloween festivities, and your calendar is packed before you know it. Check out Visit New Bern’s website for an up-to-date list of activities.

In New Bern, your list of favorite things may likely include at least one of the above-mentioned. However, there is so much to choose from, the “few” should be changed to “many” things!